Monday, June 4, 2012

Interview with Jonny Hetherington of Art of Dying

What would it be like for your band to open for Guns n’ Roses as well as some of today’s top rock bands within literally 3 or 4 years of being a signed band? Impossible right? Wrong! Art of Dying has quickly become one of the hottest rock bands on the scene today and they’ve done it all with simple blood, sweat, tears and kick ass rock n’ roll. Being on the road basically nonstop for almost 3 years isn’t something most bands would ever want, but Art of Dying has thrived while touring the world. Their music can’t be compared to pretty much anyone out there today because they’ve always done things their way, and clearly they have the formula figured out. Hard Rock Review's Aaron Manogue talked with their lead vocalist Jonny Hetherington about their success and their upcoming show on July 6th at Summerfest!

Aaron Manogue:
It seems like you guys have been on the road forever. What’s it been like being away from home and on the road for so long?
Jonny Hetherington: It’s great man! Some of the bands we’ve come across love the road and some of them look at it as work and can’t wait to get home. We’re the opposite of that. We love being on the road and hanging out together and playing shows every night.

AM: You guys seem to be on such a hot streak because it’s like everything you guys put out catches fire. What has the ride of the past two or three years been like?
JH: It’s crazy man. I’ve been literally pinching myself on a daily basis. A lot of the stuff we’re doing we dreamt of doing as a little kid. It’s definitely been a “pinch yourself” experience. Whether it’s watching your song rise on the charts or finding out you’re opening for Guns n’ Roses! We’re literally in shock half the time.

AM: What was it like opening for GNR?
JH: You know what? We try and learn a lot from other bands on tour so it’s constantly like school. We watch the other bands and you pick up the good things and if there are any pitfalls you can kind of see those things coming and try to avoid them. It’s always a great learning experience to be an opening band because you get to learn from some of the veterans.

AM: What’s been your favorite point of being out on the road for so long?
JH: Wow man. So many of the shows have just been the highest point you could imagine. It’s weird because we look back and watch some of our shows from a year or two ago and like a football team we look at it like a game tape and make sure we’re always improving. Some of the shows we’ve done in the past week or so, it’s like we’re in the zone which I think only touring for this long can get you into. It’s like walking on air sometimes when you’re playing. You can just close your eyes and you’re so in the moment and you kind of just lost yourself. I hope it’s something we can do forever and I hope our fans and the people that support us start to lose themselves in the music at our shows because that’s the magic.

AM: Speaking of killer shows, on July 6th you guys will be playing at Summerfest, the World’s Largest Music Festival. How pumped are you guys for that show?
JH: I can’t even put it into words, man! I’ve heard of Summerfest but I’ve never been. When we found out we were playing it we were just high fiving each other because we were just so excited. What’s better than a summer festival of rock music? Nothing! I think we’re playing pretty much when the sun starts to set so it’s definitely going to be one of those legendary shows. I can see it already! We’re definitely going to lose ourselves on July 6th