Monday, January 9, 2012

Dark New Day "New Tradition" Review

Imagine being able to concoct a musical Frankenstein out of some of the best hard rock and metal bands out there today. Take your pick of the strongest appendages off of the most maniacal and well-known bands from the past decade and stitching them together with a strong, fibrous, passion for kick ass rock n' roll. Guitarist Clint Lowery (Sevendust),  drummer Will Hunt (Evanescence), guitarist Troy McLawhorn ( Evanescence) vocalist Brett Hestla (Virgos Merlot) and bassist Corey Lowery (Eye Empire) have been pieced together to form this rock n' roll juggernaut. Fuel it all with the desire to give the fans what they so deserve, and you have Dark New Days' new album, New Tradition. And let me tell you, you better run and hide because this album is all killer, no filler.

"We’re very excited about the new Dark New Day release,” proclaims Clint. “It seems the time is right to make these songs public and share with the fans that continue to support this project. We believe this music is still very valid and powerful today, and think its mandatory we give these songs a fair chance out in the music world. We owe it to ourselves and the DND fans. New Tradition sums up the mindset we were in writing the follow-up to Twelve Year Silence."

The album opens as you would expect it a group of some of the best metal musicians would start an album. Monstrous riffs and drum beats from the likes of Lowery, McLawhorn and Hunt in the song "Fist from the Sky." The hellacious pace of the chorus makes you get up and move. This has got to be the band's next single that is released to radio, as it has tons of hook with mountains of originality. The song has more layers than a french pastry and it is perfectly topped with Brett Hestla's amazing voice.

Next up is the aptly titled "Come Alive." You can almost see the lightning charging into this musical monster with the growl of the bass line. I really think this song showcases the true talent that Clint's brother Corey has on bass. Just give this song one listen and you can see why he's quickly becoming a favorite in the world of rock. I'm personally a guitar guy who likes crisp technical work and badass solos so fast that I can't even move my fingers fast enough to replicate when I'm shredding my air guitar. But in this song Corey gives a whole new appreciation to the old saying that "The untrained ear won't ever hear the bass, but without it and the song falls apart."

Soon comes the album's first single that has been released to radio stations around the country is the title track, "New Tradition." It definitely has that radio feel with catchy lyrics and addictive guitar riffs. I can already picture fans singing along at their next DND concert. With a patented guitar solo that isn't intended to impress guitar gurus (we all know that Clint and Troy could melt our ears if they intended too with a solo), but it builds with the tempo of the song perfectly and provides a spot-on bridge to the ending. Definitely a song we'll all be hearing a lot of radio stations near you.

The entire album has incredible musicianship layered throughout the entire thing. Each song you hear, you can identify another highlight of a different band member and why they are highly touted. It's like watching your favorite movie over and over again. Every time you watch (listen) to it, you find another part that is awesome and just makes you want to see (hear) more. If you don't buy this album when it comes out, not only are you not a fan of true hard rock and metal, but I'm going to put it out there and say you're anti-fun. Don't be a fun sponge! Go buy Dark New Days' "New Tradition;" you can thank me later.

Buy Dark New Days' NEW TRADITION February 28th!