From Within is:
Vocals-Danny Vega
Guitar-Josh Demmer
Guitar-Colby Berger
Drums-Alex Berger
Bass-Jonathan Davis
Guitar-Josh Demmer
Guitar-Colby Berger
Drums-Alex Berger
Bass-Jonathan Davis
It really is surprising to me the technical ability of a lot of young musicians out there today. Maybe it's the overload of online tutorials and other learning tools, but these kids are really something. That's the first impression I had when hearing From Within's newest release "Take AEM." Each and every member has their strong points and SO much potential.
There's a lamenting breakdown verse in the middle of the song that fits perfectly with the flow of the rest of the song. They use the breakdown to actually pick up the pace of the song soon after and the way i its all composed is pretty impressive. Soon after comes a the prototypical metalcore solo, but I really like how they didn't try to do too much with it. It's clean. It's smooth. It fits.
Overall, the song is absolutely impressive. For such a young band, their writing, technical and pure playing ability is killer and this is definitely a song and band to check out. From Within ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first!