Monday, January 23, 2012

Interview with Two Dollar Grey

I’ve always been a fan of harder, darker rock and metal. You know, the Slipknots, Deftones and Colds of the world. The trick is with that type of music is that it’s so overdone and extremely easy for bands to overdo it and have their music over-produced to obtain that soul scraping sound that the super successful bands do. Very rarely do I find a new band out there that rips this kind of music and does it without over-producing and over-pushing the shit so hard it sounds terrible. Thanks to my good friend Steph Irvine, I was lucky enough to come across a band that definitely carries that sound and they do it so well they make it their bitch.

The band is Two Dollar Grey out of Phoenix, AZ and their music has that groove rock feel that has a taste for the darker side and finds a way to blend it all together into music that you’ll have caught in your head for weeks to come. I had the chance to talk to the guys in Two Dollar Grey about their music and the rock scene today! Two Dollar Grey is Cory on drums, Craig on vox, Jake on bass and Nate and Mikey on Guitar.

Aaron Manogue: Describe your music to me as if I'm someone who has never seen or heard your perform before:
Two Dollar Grey: It's in your face, but also has the melodic touch. It’s hard driving vocally orientated music that we like to call groove rock.

Manogue: Is there a message that you're trying to portray with your music?
Two Dollar Grey: We really don't have a so-called message. We are just trying to bring the fun, energetic and sexy music back that we heard growing up.

Manogue: Who are some of the national bands you've shared the stage with?
Two Dollar Grey: Well, we have been very fortunate to share the same stages as Cold, Mushroomhead, Taproot, Redline Chemistry, Burn Halo, Joey Belladonna (From Anthrax), Hed PE and Karnivool.

Manogue: Who would you say are some of your influences are? Are these influences evident in any of your albums/songs?
Two Dollar Grey: That's what is great about us. We all come from different backgrounds with many different influences and this makes our music very unique. We range anywhere from The Police and U2 to Meshuggah and Pantera. So you can see the amount of ideas we bring to our writing process.

Manogue: With thousands of local bands out there, what sets you apart from the others?
Two Dollar Grey: Commitment, energy and the experiences we all have whether it be from touring, recording or marketing.

Manogue: It's the zombie apocalypse and each of you only get one weapon to defend yourselves and behead the undead...
Two Dollar Grey: A bag of Rabid Chihuahuas on methamphetamines!

Manogue: Why did you guys chose to play metal?
Two Dollar Grey: For the energy it brings and it allowing everyone to forget about the world for that 30-50 minutes that we are on stage!

Manogue: In your eyes, what's the biggest challenge about breaking into the music scene a.k.a. expanding your fan base?
Two Dollar Grey: Being heard! People shouldn't be afraid to try unheard bands. Especially one outside their own area.

Manogue: Anything you'd like to say to your fans or anyone you want to say FUCK OFF to at this point in your careers?
Two Dollar Grey: It takes a lot to reach that level of success. There's more to it than just the band. We love all our fans and they play a huge part of this. Two Dollar Grey thanks you. Get ready for 2012!

You can check out Two Dollar Grey at or at