Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's Official...Courtney Love Still Sucks

Last week, during a Hole show in the wild Brazil, a fan held up a picture of lead singer Courtney Love's late husband, the legendary Kurt Cobain. So as she threw a fit, freaked out on the fan and then only returning to stage after her self-made entourage coaxed the audience to chant "the Foo Fighters are gay." Yet again, another perfect example of why Love is one of my most despised "artists"; and I use that term loosely.

"I don't care what you listen to at home," she groaned to the audience upon her return to the stage, "but if a guy takes off money off my kid's table, fuck him."

She was clearly making a not-so-vague reference to Foo Fighters' lead man Dave Grohl. Commonly referred by many as the nicest guy in the music business, of course it would take someone like Courtney Love to be mad at a genuine artist like Grohl. Love confirmed suspicions that she was referring to Grohl in an interview after the show.

"Dave makes $5 million a show, he doesn't need the money," she said, "so why the fuck does he have a Nirvana Inc. credit card and I don't? And last week, he bought an Aston Martin on it."

I don't know Courtney, maybe because he was in the band. I'm no Columbo, but that would be my first guess as to why he profits off of the band.

Love continued: "I wasn't in Nirvana. However, I do own Nirvana, with my daughter, and because of tax laws I have to give money to his sister, Kim Cobain, and [Kurt's mother] Wendy Cobain."

Buy some Foo Fighters music and piss Courtney off some more!