Signum A.D.: The UnsilencedWebsite Myspace Buy the Album |
The following track "Walls That Falls" has all the makings of a radio hit and to me could easily serve as the albums first single. Caution: Well written lyrics and an intense guitar riff serving as the backbone of this musical animal may cause you to have this song caught in your head for days. The album doesn't lighten up on bad ass rock n' roll after that. "Free," "At The Seams" and " Sad But Not Forgotten" simply add to the albums rock n' roll strength, and trust me it is Hercules strong, especially considering it's their first album.
The lyrics are pristine and have a range from kicking your ass with growling screams to stealing your girlfriend by serenading her with acoustic-accompanied whispers. This all on top of the fact that the drums and guitar create a unique sound without sounding like they're trying too hard, they're just kicking your ass with their own feeling and sound. I wouldn't just suggest this album and band to my fellow rock n' rollers, but I beg and plead you to check them out and give your dirty little rockstar eardrums a little treat with Signum A.D.'s "The Unsilenced."