Tuesday, February 1, 2011

HRR Interview with Sevendust's Morgan Rose

Drummer, Morgan Rose, of Sevendust
Written by Aaron Manogue

The hard rock scene isn’t something that is easy to break into in a "big" way, and even when it does happen, there comes the constant struggle of staying relevant enough to continue successfully writing music and touring. Very few bands have figured out the precise formula to balance immense musical talent while simultaneously pleasing the "industry suits."

Since 1997, when they released their self-titled debut album, Sevendust has done that and so much more. They’ve gone through lineup changes, financial troubles, and everything else that rock ‘n’ roll has thrown their way.  Sevendust continues to write, record, and produce music that transcends the struggles and has formed them into one of the most stoic forces in the hard rock music scene. Hard-Rock-Reviews.com's Aaron Manogue chatted recently with Morgan about Sevendust...

Aaron Manogue:
What keeps you going personally and wanting to continue making music?

Morgan Rose:
You know, there’s the cliche, “I do it for the music,” but it’s very therapeutic. Usually in every record there’s a story that went on in that past year or two, and it’s something that is a great
outlook for us. We do actually call this a job, even though it’s kind of embarrassing to use that term. When you leave your kids, leave your family, and you do it for as long as we have, I think we’ve justified it by now. I think people can say, “Well yeah, this is a job.” Creating music and performing is what we do, and we were blessed enough to be in the right place at the right time. It’s something that’s very special to us.

With the continuing success of your 2010 release, Cold Day Memory, what is it like to have Clint Lowery back in the band? His sound is clearly evident (guitar-wise), but what does he bring back to the table for Sevendust?

He’s definitely my brother and also my musical soul mate. There’s no doubt that when I sit down with him, if  we wanted to, we could probably write twenty songs in a day. We’re really tough on each other when it comes to different parts of writing music, and that’s the reason it takes any time to do a song between us. He’s creative in all areas. He’s a great singer, guitar player, and song writer, and he’s great to watch play live. He has all the tools to be a monster, so having that back in the band was huge. We survived without him, but we can thrive with him.

B.C. Kochmit, (guitarist, Eye Empire) filling in for Clint Lowery
Since Clint took time off the current tour to look after his newborn son, how was it to have B.C. Kochmit (Eye Empire) fill in for him? Did he fit in the Sevendust mold?

He’s great. It’s funny because we are one of his favorite bands. He was actually discussed to be Clint Lowery’s replacement when he (Clint) left the first time about six or seven years ago. We had a really good run with Sonny Mayo, and he’s also a brother to us. I think without a doubt that Brad comes from a background (music-wise) that his style is way closer to us than Sonny’s was. So it’s cool to have him out here just to be able to say, “Damn. We could have done this.” But at least we got to go out there and jam with him now. He’s a professional, and he’s a rock-star on that stage. He has made us play harder than maybe we really wanted to!

Where do you want Sevendust to go from here? Have you reached your goals or is there more?

 There’s definitely more that we want to do, but we’ve accomplished so much more than we thought we would. This has all been bonus time for us, and we’re happy to still be relevant, go out there and play, and have people come and see us. We’ve all sat there and thought that we don’t want to go out and have people look at us and think, "I remember when they used to bring it so hard live and now they’re kind of beat up." We’ve got scars, emotionally and physically, so we’ll do this as long as the body will allow us to at a level that’s respectable.

Are there any new projects or new Sevendust music on its way that fans can look forward to?

We’re already actually dabbling into the next record. The plan is to finish this tour out, with a break in February, and then we go to Australia for a few weeks. Then we’ll come back to finish this tour at the end of March. After that we’ll take most of April off, and probably in May we might go out and do a little short run, going to Europe and doing the festivals in June and July. Afterward, we’ll probably come back and do the summer festivals over here, and next we’ll probably do an acoustic run. Finally, after all that, we’ll get into the new record towards the end of the year.

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Written by Aaron Manogue
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