Saturday, January 29, 2011

Eye Empire; News, Interview Links & More...

January 31, 2011 
Published by Angela Villand
What's new with Eye Empire? news, interviews, a kick-ass CONTEST, and more...

Eye Empire Interviews:
If you haven't yet, please check out the 4 pillars of the empire...HRR has interviews w/each Eye Empire band member.

Eye Empire News!

The single I PRAY has been released on ITUNES....go HERE for details on how to 1)spread the word and help keep on building the Empire and 2)ENTER the Eye Empire contest at the same time!
UPDATE: FEB 9, 2011
Details on the Eye Empire contest HERE (CONTEST THRU MARCH 1)
Our current Feature Artist, EYE EMPIRE, has announced they are currently taking ORDERS for the 2nd batch of their CD Moment of Impact (aka MOI).
This Limited Edition is "Version 1.2!" See below for more info on where to order, what's different, and more.
The cd's will begin shipping on Feb 10th.

Moment of Impact version 1
The first 1000 (see photo on the left) were hand signed, hand numbered 1 - 1000 by all members of the band and they went very quickly; now they're SOLD OUT. You cannot buy these in Amazon or CD baby or even at Best Buy. You can only find these direct on the EE website.
You can go to or click HERE to go directly to the storefront.
Please share the link via myspace, facebook, twitter, email etc.

Moment of Impact v 1.2
This version 1.2 (see photo on the right) will also be numbered 1001 - 2000. This is what we call a COLLECTORS ITEM. Once the full album is released, these will be sought after and RARE....also OOP (Out of Print)....
So the story is this: they're $15 (again), there is NO shipping fee(once again, thanks guys!).

We know you're going to ask, so we'll tell you.

What's different about this CD than the first 1.1 version? While B.C. Kochmit is at fault for the awesome COVER ART once again, it is slightly different than MOI, somewhat "revised." Also included in v1.2 is a COLLAGE which features photos of the EE fans...Why is this a big deal? It's pretty awesome, honestly. The band members asked, via facebook/twitter, that everyone ordering a CD (initially, from the first 1000) to send in a photograph of themselves with the Eye Empire CD; Why? So that the fan photographs could be used in a Collage included in the content/new artwork of MOI v1.2.

Now I don't know about you guys, but this kicks a whole lot of ass. Fans of the band that ordered the first edition of the cd, took a photo of themselves with the cd, & sent it in by the deadline, will be able to truly share in the building of the EMPIRE from the ground up... It's timeless.

Written by Angela Villand
All Rights Reserved

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