The show has moved this year to The Frequency and features some new faces on stage. This year's lineup features some of the best local talent from around Wisconsin and the immediate Madison area. Headlining the show this year is Milwaukee's own Dory Drive. This self-described pop rock band recently was awarded the "Best EP" and "Best Musical Performance" by Tune Lab Music. Check out Dory Drive below:
Also on this year's lineup is Madison's own Falling from Fiction. The band is comprised a group of seasoned musicians that come from very different musical backgrounds to form an original sound that is part rock, part metal, part punk and 100% kick ass! They've already made a name for themselves around the Madison area and this will be their second appearance at Eff Winter shows!
And to round out the killer lineup, one of Madison's favorites, Silence is Broken is back! The boys have really made a name for themselves over the past few years appearing at WJJO Band Camp as well as opening and playing with a ton of national acts. They say every city has it's favorite local bands and Silence is Broken definitely is one of Madison's best.
So make sure you don't miss out on Eff Winter 2012 and have to hear all the awesome stories from your friends. Be sure to get there early to get a spot because this show WILL SELL OUT!
Show starts at 10 pm at the Frequency and it's only $7 to get in. Bring your friends and see what this highly anticipated show is all about!