Hard-Rock-Reviews.com is owned/operated by Aaron Manogue & Angela Villand, two unapologetic music enthusiasts...that about covers it!
MUSIC: If you're interested in submitting Hard, Heavy Rock music for our consideration please send an email to us and include links to your social media pages, ReverbNation, Facebook, official site, etc. Please include your EPK, if applicable. Band press kits that do not include either music or links to the music where we may listen online cannot be considered, so keep that in mind. If you have a band and you guys haven't made music, please wait til you do. Contacting us before you've even recorded one song is funny, but it doesn't help you and it wastes time you could be using to writing that kick-ass lyric that I won't be able to get out of my head 4 months from now.
Please do keep in mind that you are sending your music for our consideration and your submission is not a guarantee that the album will be reviewed. We have many projects we are currently working on and if your work is selected, we will contact you.
ONLINE ADVERTISING: Hard-Rock-Reviews.com humbly averages hundreds of hits per day & the numbers are quickly rising. If you think your company would benefit from advertising with us, we'd love to hear from you! Send us an email and let us know about your company and your mission.

Aaron Manogue
Music journalist & web guru
Angela Villand
Music journalist, editor, photographer