Friday, July 15, 2011

Review of Admiral of Black "Blood & Fire"

There are so many bands out there these days and with the emergence of social media sites that make it so easy for everyone who can pick up an instrument to share their music with you, it’s hard to pick between all the garbage to find true talented musicians. So when you finally come across a band that really gets it and has a unique sound and can rock your ass off in the same ten seconds is rare.

So what is it that makes kick ass rock and roll music in today’s over saturated market? If you ask me its someone with a unique sound, talented guitar play, vocals with some backbone and good ol’ fashioned hook. That’s why when a friend of mine, talented manager Damon Moreno (Check out his Management Company “The Inner Light Agency”) sent over Blood & Fire by Admiral of Black, I ran out of ink to check off my list of requirements for a kick ass rock n’ roll album.

The EP is a six song metal journey that takes you through soulful guitar riffs that paint the picture of the album, accompanied by impressive vocals and flawless bass and drum work. Opening with “Gravewalker,” the song starts as if you’re watching the beginning to an epic war scene as the song aggressively charges uphill into battle. The first song sets the tone for the entire EP with its somewhat lengthy reputation.  Each song is over 4 minutes, most leaning towards over 5 minutes, which I loved. It reminded me a lot of how Metallica puts out songs that serve as novels, with many individual parts that flow together gracefully without losing the listener’s attention.

The third song on the EP is “God’s Eye,” and I think this is the song that sold me on this band.  It has a very funky groove throughout the entire chorus and follows through with a very badass guitar solo. The solo is blended in to the end of the song with masterful bridges that flow perfectly with the rhythm of the entire song. The solo jaunts and jags and winds and warps into a groove as if the guitar was telling a story to the listener.

There aren’t many parts of the album that most listeners would consider slow, and even the parts that are a bit slower, you can feel the presence of the fierce guitars slowly creeping up on you. Admiral of Black won't  tear your face off with screaming belts of inaudible rage, they are simply going to rock your ass off with their own impenetrable sound. It’s a relief to find a band that has so much talent and sticks to their own sound and taste. If you love rock and roll, incredible guitar play, all mixed together with vocals, drum and bass play that intertwine seamlessly, check out Admiral of Black’s Blood and Fire.