Friday, July 29, 2011

Interview with Saving Abel Guitarist Jason Null

Saving Abel
Photo courtesy Pamela Littky

Saving Abel is  
Jared Weeks  (Vocals)
Jason Null  (Guitars)
Scott Bartlett  (Guitars)
Eric Taylor  (Bass)
Blake Dixon  (Drums)

The thing about big guitar riffs and memorable vocal melodies is that it works. Whether a band follows a pattern or formula for writing songs, or if they seem to conjure a tapestry of music and lyrics out of thin air is not important to most of their listeners. It’s all about what we hear, how much we like it, and what we remember. How many times have you had a song stuck in your head? There’s a reason this happens. Saving Abel has created a refined and cultured combo of “southern” and alternative rock that’s resonating in heads across the country. has been covering as many of the Band Camp bands as we can get our hands on in the past few weeks. In our final interview, before people start throwing horns, rocking for hours at a time, getting body paint & removing clothing, we talked with Saving Abel lead guitarist, Jason Null.

Jason shared some fun stories from the road and some of the more outrageous experiences he has had. He talks about how to have fun when they're on tour, which he loves and hates about touring and so much more!!!

ANGELA:  Tell us about the tour you’re on now and the bands you’re touring with. Do you have any fun stories from the road this year thus far?

JASON:  We are currently doing one-off shows as it is Festival season. We just wrapped up a tour with Hinder not long ago though and some of my craziest times were with these guys. Usually my last memory of a night of partying with these guys is sucking Yager from the tap of their machine aboard the bus.

ANGELA:  What’s the craziest thing that has ever happened to you on the road?

JASON:  One of the craziest things? That would probably be our first Sturgis shows. 2a.m., Scott (Saving Abel guitarist) choking me with one hand and fending off a possible stab would to the neck with his other. I don’t remember why but I was defending myself with a set of nail clippers.

ANGELA:  What do you love the most about touring? What do you not like about it? What do you miss from home the most aside from family & pets?

JASON:  I love playing live, but I don’t like being gone from family. I miss the comforts of home.

ANGELA:  What do you do to keep yourself humble, modest and sane?

JASON:  I always remember where I come from, and to what lengths I have gone to have the success I now have. I personally feel that anything God gives you, He can take away. Staying sane? Phew, I don’t know for sure that I am!

ANGELA:  Do you have a favorite shirt or piece of clothing/jewelry that you take with you on the road?

JASON:  AHGG! It was my FAVORITE Hat! I bought it last year from Urban Outfitters and recently lost it on a flight back from Canada. It was a black pork pie with a band and feather. In fact, I plan to call UO’s home office to see if they can locate another for me.

ANGELA:  What has been YOUR most memorable concert when you went to see a band play? Whom have you not yet seen live that you would love to see play and perform?

JASON:  It was Candlebox on their first tour, at club 616 (Six One Six) in Memphis, TN. Peter, their guitarist, handed me a pick that I still have to this day. The last time I saw the band play, they went on right before us and I have since become friends with Kevin Martin and Peter Kiett. Talk about surreal - My inspiration to pick guitar back up and a blueprint for my first writings as a musician.

ANGELA:  Are there any bands or artists that you’ve yet to see perform live, but you really want to see their show?

JASON:  AC/DC; we were so close a few years back on their last tour, but I just couldn’t make it happen. Willie Nelson would be my next choice, then Prince. These are just a few as I have been blessed to share the stage with a lot of my heroes.
Saving Abel
Photo Courtesy Pamela Littky

ANGELA:  If you had the opportunity to record a song or two with any artist, whom would you want to work with?

JASON:  I love so many artists and bands, so this is a hard one. I again will have to go with Candlebox for obvious reasons. However, I do have several country songs written in which artists like Time Mcgraw or Keith Urban were influential.

ANGELA:  Rob Zombie recently made a Woolite commercial. Let's say you were given an unlimited bankroll and complete creative freedom for a fun endorsement or a commercial? What type of commercial would you make and for which products?

JASON:  Doc Martins. I have a pair that I purchased that are now 16 years old. I have played gigs from garages to Kansas City Rockfest, mowed the lawn, waded waters. You name it – these boots have been through it! In short, that is something I could put my name to and believe in and feel good about.

ANGELA:  What were some of your favorite songs to write/record on this last album? What are your favorites to play live? What songs do you see your fans requesting the most from this new album?

JASON:  Angels Without Wings” is one of my favorites. It is actually one of the first songs I had ever written on guitar. It was a great feeling to see something take life that was once just an idea in my bedroom as a teenager. “Bloody Sunday” was one of mine and Jared’s first collaborations for the second record. The song has a lot of meaning to the both of us. It represents a turning point in our career where we hurt and healed and learned from a bad situation.

ANGELA:  Playing at an outdoor festival, things can get a little crazy. Have you had any interesting outdoor concert experiences you can share with us?

JASON:  Festivals are one of our favorite gigs; it’s like a field day for us as opposed to the same ole clubs, theaters and arena shows. One that sticks out the most in my memory is where the owner of the Bunny Ranch, Ron Jeremy and several others from that industry stood side stage for our show. We had a great after-party.

MISS AMERICA is available on iTunes
ANGELA:  Your latest album, MISS AMERICA, with the young lady dressed in gown with a USA Flag design, is doing quite well. Can you tell us about the title track?

JASON:  It is basically from the stand point of a solider. He is writing home to Mom, the wife and kids. It kinda has that “Cats In A Cradle” vibe to it. The song came easy to us because we had the opportunity to work with the USO so many times, including trips to Iraq, Kuwait, aircraft carriers and most recently, Cuba.

ANGELA:  What are your plans for 2011 after this tour? Have you guys been writing or creating anything on the road so far? What’s the next single? Plans for video?

JASON:  We are planning to take the winter off and return to the studio. Jared and I are always bouncing ideas off one another. The hard part is deciding which ones to record.

ANGELA:  Who’s the class clown/funny guy in the band or on the bus? Who is serious? Tell us a little about your personalities? Is there someone in the band who keeps you all focused or who distracts everyone?

JASON:  In all honesty, we each play a role in category from time to time, which may answer your earlier question on how to stay sane; just form multiple personalities.

ANGELA:  Being on the road can get stressful day in and day out…Do you ever Punk each other or other bands? Play jokes? Break out the silly string?

photo courtesy Pamela Littky
JASON:  Yes, other bands. The last show of any gig, you can guarantee there will be some fun. Our best one was dumping about 500 crickets onto Hinders tour bus. I can honestly say I didn’t take credit for it until I was sure no one was mad.

ANGELA:  What was the last CD you bought? Do you still buy CD’s or do you just download songs and albums via iTunes or Zune for convenience?

JASON:  Last CD I bought was Johnny Cash’s last release under American Recordings. I have them all, including the box set, “Unearthed.” The last download from Itunes was “The Cars” new record. I grew up on that stuff and was pleased to see they’re working again.

ANGELA:  What UNSIGNED bands would you guys like to talk about? Are there some unsigned musicians you’d like to plug here? Plug away! (hometown fellows, etc) Link me to their Facebook and/or website and we’ll give them a huge shout out!

JASON:  There are mounds of new bands out like Taddy Porter, American Bang, Red Line Chemistry and My Darkest Days. But, I am pleased to announce an act that’s currently shopping. A New Rebel, featuring myself, Jonathan Montoya (Saliva, Full Devil Jacket),  and Josh Brown (Day of Fire) and Kevin Bebout and Keith Foster (Full Devil Jacket). We just wrapped up an EP and a photo shoot in Nashville, and settled on a management team. Look to hear more this fall and winter!

ANGELA:  Advice for other musicians wanting to get to where you are today…what NOT to do, what to keep doing, etc?

Photo Courtesy Pamela Littky
JASON:  It is a business; the days of playing a gig in the middle of nowhere and the president of a big record label discovering you by chance is just NOT gonna happen these days. Labels are looking for the total package; you need management, representation, a record and a bio, etc. What to keep doing? Gig, gig, gig, gig and sell records, downloads, etc. What NOT to do? Don’t give up! It may look like Saving Abel was overnight but that’s not so. I have been playing covers and carrying my own gear all my life. It was 16 years of hard work before my dreams materialized.

ANGELA:  Time for randomness:  You’re at Walmart and there is a zombie attack warning over the loudspeaker. Do you run to the ammo and hit the front door running in your orange vest? OR do you hide in a tent with a bike helmet on, in hopes your brains are safe?

JASON:  Guns and ammo! My family and I pass lots of time playing CoD Nazi Zombies. I grew up with guns so I am pretty comfortable with the fact of pulling a trigger for fun.

ANGELA:  What the hell are you doing in Walmart in the first place? (i.e.,  razors, underwear, tp)

JASON:  I am buying socks. I love the Starter socks they sell there. They are thick and keep a foot comfy and snug in a pair of boots while on stage.

ANGELA:  Greatest movies ever, give me 5 or ten, your pick, any genre!

JASON: 1.) The Goonies: I just love Chunk  2.) Slingblade:  One of the best performances I have ever seen. 3.) The Shining:  Gotta have a horror flick in here, and the son in that movie saying “Redrum” just to freak me out. Plus I envied all the indoor space he had to ride his Hot Wheels 3 wheeler!  4.) Kill Bill 1 & 2:  I love everything about them; the action, the plot, everything.  5.) Edward Scissorhands:  Several Tim Burton films, but this is my favorite. 6.) National Lampoons Vegas Christmas Vacation:  Classic Chevy Chase and it’s the one Christmas movie that just kinda makes it feel like Christmas at my home.

ANGELA:  What do you guys do to break things up and have fun on a day off? Do you look for museums? The zoo? A park? A gym? Or do you sleep it off?

JASON:  Try to catch a movie, maybe hit up a mall and shop a bit. We have a couple of gaming consoles on the bus also and this is a good time for extracurricular activities and jamming.

ANGELA:   Closing thoughts?  Anything you want to say to your fans or people that will be seeing you for the first time this year?

JASON:  As always, a BIG Thank You! People don’t know how important it is for us that they come see us 5 times in a year and take the time to actually go buy a hard copy of the disc for us to sign and so on…God Bless our troops and we will see ya’ll soon!

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